About Kyojin Imports
Kyojin Imports launched in 2018. By importing and reselling quality products from home in Ireland, we hope to further share a little bit of Irish culture complementing our efforts at Kyojin no Stewhouse.
We're delighted to announce our partnership with Whitewater Brewing Co. Ltd. Whitewater have been brewing high quality Irish Beers up on the Mourne Mountains, in Co. Down since 1996.
Recently I visited their fantastic facility, only a short drive from my family home. After hearing their story and about their brewing techniques, we shared many popular Japanese lagers and ales before finally deciding on which two products to import.
I'd like to introduce you to Belfast Lager and Maggie's Leap Irish Ale. Welcome to Japan.
2018年から、Kyojin Importsの輸入販売を開始しました。
私たちは“Whitewater Brewing Co.”とパートナーシップを結んでいます。
・マギーズ・リープ IPA
Wholesale Request Form
For wholesale inquiries please complete the form
03 6426 7803