1 - スケリッグ・マイケルで撮影されたハリウッド大作映画は?

Do you know which Hollywood blockbuster movie was shot on Skellig Michael?




Several films and TV shows have used Skellig Michael as a filming location. Most notably Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

2 - ここCorkに最後に寄港した有名な豪華客船は?

Do you know what boat had it’s last port of call here in Co. Cork?



The Titanic began it’s journey in Southampton, England, then traveled to Cherbourg, France before stopping in Cobh, Ireland. Cobh turned out to be the ships final port of call sinking 4 days later in the Atlantic Ocean 600km south of Newfoundland.

3 - Waterfordに小泉八雲の記念庭園があるのはなぜ?
Do you know why there is a garden dedicated to writer Koizumi Yakumo in Waterford?



Koizumi Yakumo, born Patrick Lafcadio Hearn was born to a Greek mother and Irish father in 1850. The Lafcadio Hearn Japanese Gardens are set in the picturesque seaside town of Tramore, Co. Waterford. As a child Lafcadio spent several summers in Tramore

Lafcadio Hearn Garden

5 - ジョン・F・ケネディとWexfordのつながりとは?

Do you know the connection between John F. Kennedy and Co. Wexford?


パトリック・ケネディは、WexfordのNew RossにあるDunganstownの出身です。彼は1849年、アメリカのボストンに移り住みました。息子であるジョセフ・P・ケネディ・シニアは、妻ローズ・フィッツジェラルド・ケネディとの間に9人の子供をもうけ、そのうちの一人がジョン・F・ケネディです。

Patrick Kennedy, originally from Dunganstown, New Ross, Co. Wexford, arrived in Boston, USA in 1849. His son Joseph P. Kennedy Sr had nine children with his wife Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy. One of whom was John F. Kennedy who served in the United States Congress and as the 35th President.

9 - Limerickとアイリッシュコーヒーにはどんな関係があるの?

Do you know what the connection is with between Limerick and the Irish Coffee?



An Irish Coffee consists of Irish Whiskey, Coffee, Sugar, a little spice and is topped with cream. While several places claim to have developed the famous drink, one popular version is that Joe Sheridan, Head Chef at the Foynes Airbase Flying Boat terminal (present day Shannon Airport) added whiskey to the coffee of several departing passengers and the Irish Coffee was born.

11 - この有名な指輪デザインの秘密は?

Do you recognize this ring design?



This design is a Claddagh ring. It is a traditional Irish ring which represents love (heart), loyalty (crown) and friendship (hands). The design and customs associated with it come for the village of Claddagh in Co. Galway.

15 -ガリバー旅行記が生まれたのは首都Dublin?
Why would Gulliver, the giant of Lilliput have his origins in Dublin, Ireland?



Jonathan Swift, writer & poet was born in Dublin and is famous for many works including Gulliver’s Travels which was published in 1726.

24 - 巨人ストアのオーナーAlanは国境の町Dundalk出身?

Did you know Alan, the owner of the Kyojin Store, is from the border town of Dundalk.



Alan is from the small border town of Dundalk, Co. Louth. It sits on the east coast and is only a short drive from Northern Ireland.

25 - ここCo.Downにどうしてアスランというライオンの像があるの?

Why might you find the lion Aslan in the Co. Down?




Writer C.S.Lewis was born in Belfast in 1898. One of his most notable works includes the Chronicles of Narnia. As a young boy he spent many holidays around the town of Rostrevor and the Mourne Mountains. Lewis is reported to have written his brother saying:

“That part of Rostrevor which overlooks Carlingford Louth is my idea for Narnia”.

The Narnia Trail is a family friendly tribute to his magical world and loops through the woodlands of Kilbroney Park in the town of Rostrevor.

29 - Donegal出身の最も有名な歌姫は?

Do you know the most famous Irish solo musician from Donegal?


彼女の出生名はEithne Padraigin Ni Bhraonainです。

Enya Patricia Brennan is the best-selling Irish solo artist in history and is also known for pioneering modern Celtic music. She was born into a musical family and raised in the Irish speaking village of Gweedore. Her birth name is Eithne Padraigin Ni Bhraonain.

32 - Antrimに伝わる最も有名なアイルランドの巨人伝説とは?
Do you know the most famous Irish Giant story linked to Co. Antrim in Ireland?

The Celtic Tale:

Since the third Century A.D. The Celts told a story about how the giant Fionn McCumhail , leader of a band of warriors called the Fianna, created The Causeway.

Fionn lived happily on the Antrim coast with his wife Oonagh until he discovered he had a rival in Scotland known as Benandonner. Finn was frequently taunted by Benandonner from afar so he finally challenged Benandonner to a fight.

He built a causeway of enormous stepping stones across the sea to Scotland, so that he could walk across without getting his feet wet. But as he approached and caught sight of the great size of Benandonner, Fionn became afraid and fled back home, with Benandonner hot on his trail.

Unsure what to do, Fionn asks his wife Oonagh to help him hide. Clever Oonagh disguised Fionn as a baby and pushed him into a huge cradle, so when Benandonner saw the size of the sleeping ‘child’, he assumed the father must be
GIGANTIC. Benandonner fled home in terror, ripping up the Causeway as he went in case he was followed.






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